Translated from the German
Done at Hannover on the twenty first of April one thousand eight hundred and twenty six in the Summerhouse occupied by Captain von Both situate outside the ???? gate where ???? Friedrich Ludewig von Both Captain in the Regiment of Chasseurs of the Guard of his Majesty the King of Great Britain and Hanover having requested Lieutenant Colonel von dem Bussche as acting Commander of the said Regiment to appoint a Military Court to attend at the ???? house at the ???? ???? for the purpose of arriving the translation of his last will and the undersigned proves having in compliance with ???? request been accordingly appointed for the formation of ???? court thru this day to the ???? of Captain von Both situate as above described where they found him in bed in perfect possession of his mental ???? as also in ???? and vigorous state of mind ???? .
Whereupon Captain Friedrich Ludwig von Both declared that his ???? intention was by his following last will to ordain and direct in what memory his property should be disposed of after his ????/???? .
That he constituted and appointed as and for his ???? ???? this following persons to wit 1st Doris Hoyer who ???? to hath (has) ????? to lived with him ???? of the Servant in the Royal Mission in his platt(oon).
2nd His son Bernhard Friedrich Both
3 rd His daughter Louise Friederike Both
4th His Son Carl Christoph Both with regard to the dispersion of his property he orders and directs that although the said Doris Hoyer in the first section on the named is to have an equal share after ???? with his three children and thus the fourth past thereof ???? fourth part notwithstanding shall after her ???? ???? ???? to his three children so that the said Doris Hoyer shall enjoy the ???? of the said share only during her lifetime.
Should one or other of the children ???? and without having any lawful ???? his or her ???? portion ???? ???? the same be already acquired by the child or not shall ???? to the surviving brother or brothers and the said Doris Hoyer in equal shares and Proportions subject notwithstandingly to the former qualifications ???? that the said Doris Hoyer shall enjoy the ???? thereof only and that her share after her death shall revert to the surviving children of the ????.
Should the said Doris Hoyer has survived the whole of the children and the later die without having lawful ???? and also ????in this ???? ???? the said Doris Hoyer shall absolutely unqualifiedly in ????our fourth part of the ???? ????? the remaining three fourth parts of the ????bring in on ???? left and ???? unto his the ???? brother or his lawful ???? and it is the further will of the ???? that his three natural children above named be legitimated. Should the ???? ???? for that purpose not has been already taken by him during his lifetime ???? and directs that a petition be persecuted to the Sovereign ???? the legitimation of the children. ???? As it is moreon ???? and ????that after his ???? some ????should take ???? of the affairs and ????of his ????and of the interests of his children.
???? in this ???? ???? requests ????Wyneken Major in the Regiment of Chasseurs of the Royal Guards and ???? Caspar von Both Captain in the Regiment of the Royal ???? ???? to jointly take care of and protect the interests of his children by first taking possession of the property ???? His ???? and regulating and setting the same as also taking care that there be paid to the said Doris Hoyer ???? of her ???? portion but not the principal thereof to which she had no right and further also so far as the arrangement of a Guardianship may be ???? and the administrators may not be disposed to accept ???? Guardianship to propose an ???? for that purpose. As for the rest it is his ???? will and desire that the said administrators be not ???? ???? to ???? an amount of their Arts and Ro therefore further prohibits all scaling up of the efforts ???? his ????. For the more ???? ????and avoiding of all differences and disputes ???? of the alienation of the ???? he orders and directs that those shall be immediately placed and remain at the disposition of the said Doris Heuer and the children as much furniture including culinary utensils, linen and beds as may be ????for this ???? domestic establishment of those efforts shall remain to the said Doris Hoyer in complete property ???? as in the ???? of the administrators shall ???? be ????? and ????for the ???? domestic establishment of the said Doris Heuer for her person about ???? the rest his ???? and garden after his death if as suitable ???? cannot be immediately ????thereof shall be ???? by the said Doris Heuer and his children and lot to an advantageous ????.
Lastly the ???? orders and directs in case of this his last will bring ????of availing as testament that the ???? do and shall avail as a ???? there testamentary disposition of what ????or description ???? the same may be and his wills and directs that the ???? ????and ???? be ????to ???? dispositions ??? be found after his death in the ???? of ???? or the testamentary dispositions after the present protocol had been ???? more duly ???? over to the ???? and by him approved in all its parts the same was closed and the ???? at the same time informed that ???? of deposit would be granted by him ????as above .????
Hartmann 1st Auditor????-Lieutenant W.v, der Decken ???? of the regiment of Chasseurs of the guards ???? Captain in the regiment of the Chasseurs the guards.
Hans Busche Lieutenant and ???? and Commander of the regiment.
Published at Hannover on the tenth of June 1826 in conformity to a protocol for that purpose ???? ????
???? ???? Hartmann F. Wappuhn Captain A V. ???? ???? Lieutenant. A true copy H. F. Bourgelon Secretary to the ???? ???? copy of the original the same being ???? collated there with
???? Herrn Friedr. Schwencker Royal Hannoverian notary
Faithfully translated from the German ???? ???? London the twenty fourth day of July 1826 ???? ???? ????
Proved at London 5th October 1826 before the ???? by the oath of Christian Wyneken and of the Executors according to the ???? to whom administration was granted being first ???? by commission duly to administrator ???? restored to Caspar von Both the other ???? according to the ????.
Quellenangabe: The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Klasse: PROB 11; Teilnummer: 1718 Piece Description: Piece 1718: Swabey, Quire Numbers 551-610 (1826) Großbritannien, Prärogativgericht von Testamenten von Canterbury, 1384-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013. Ursprüngliche Daten:Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Wills of Selected Famous Persons. Digitized images. Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 1. The National Archives, Kew, England.Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers. Digitized images. Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11. The National Archives, Kew, England.
Vor dem 12. Januar 1858 wurden Testamente in England und Wales in kirchlichen Gerichten belegt. Das größte war das Prärogativgericht von Canterbury, 1384-1858.
1 Gedanke zu „Testament Friedrich Ludwig von Both 1826“
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